February 2, 2025
Introducing Essence Forge
You can access the forge through the cave in the Desert of Pain. Essence Forge allows you to forge three essences into an upgraded one. At start there are three recipes available.
To determine the level of the resulting essence the following formula is taken:
resulting_essence_level = average_input_essence_level + 1
Three random essences generate a new random essence
Three essences of the same color generate a new essence of this color
Three identical essences generate a new identical essence
Here is a short video about the forging progress.
January 19, 2025
There are Weekly and Daily recurring quests
Daily quests will reward experience and essences. They reset 24 hours after the last completion. Weekly quests reset 7 days after the last completion. They also grant essences and experience. Additionally, they also grant Zonert used for upgrading your cell.
You can click on the ‘i’ to display more information
The small yellow arrow icon indicates whether it is a daily (1) or (7) weekly quest.
November 24, 2024
Reworked design for zone terminus
I also composed a new soundtrack for the zone terminus.
Fixed several bugs
Thanks to @Fendse for reporting all those bugs:
wrong talents for Chroniker and Enigma Ornat: discord-thread missing tooltips for sequence abilities: discord-thread wrong essence number in compilation interface: discord-thread wrong spell tooltips in compilation interface: discord-thread
November 17, 2024
More space in the Training Hall.
I also composed a new soundtrack for the training hall.
Bots will now use the new spells
Recently, I reworked all weapons and added new spells and chain abilities. Bots will now use these abilities.
I want to rework the marketing material and polish the game.
There are still some unnerving bugs pending. I cannot reproduce all of them, but I plan to do exhaustive playtesting.
October 27, 2024
New balcons for the compilation core
I added decoration and a new soundtrack. Stormcaller no longer crashes the game server.
Thanks to a_seraphic_chicken for finding that bug.
I also added some performance optimization for server side ray casting.
October 20, 2024
New Weapon Animations Release
There are two completely new weapons.
Father of War is a two-handed tank weapon.
Moonseeker is the overhauled version of the old versatile crossbow weapon.
All other weapons got reworks too.
Protectors of the Lost
Water Stream
July 7, 2024
War Room,
I’ve finished the war room in the prison complex. It is accessible through the compilation core. It contains emitters displaying all active raids in your current zone. Currently, it serves as a visual representation. I plan to add more meta information to those emitters. The goal is to enable joining or applying to raids from this room.
I had time for some bug-fixes.
The third stage of Sludge Madness is now accessible.
June 30, 2024
Desert of Pain,
You can finally play the Desert of Pain! Thanks to @Madraox for this awesome level concept.
You can reach the new level through the Zone terminus. You can use it to farm materials and experience. You have to solve four puzzles to summon the four elemental queens. After you killall of them, Solarion will spawn in the middle. I prepared a video, so that you can catch a small glimpse at the fight.
June 2, 2024
Buried Entrance,
I could not decide whether to release the content directly to the live servers. Then, I discovered a nasty bug on the live systems and decided to take two steps forward.
So, I released the raid to live.
You might remember the old Pit of Elements and Firebound Forge level. They got a complete overhaul. Both are now part of the same raid Run of Elements. I’ve also added a new level right between them called Buried Entrance.
May 5, 2024
Soul Towers,
The Rework of Soul Towers is finished
With new textures, decorations, and enemies. Say hello to our latest fiend Siphon: You can get a quick look at the level: Highlighting is working again.
There were some bugs in the render pipeline. I learned a lot of stuff about the scriptable render pipeline. Thanks to Zemn for the bug-reporting
There was a bug with the experience system. Experience on weapons didn’t show up on the compilation screen.